Housing law and housing disputes are one of the practices of our Law Firm “Kravets & Partners”.
The real estate market is rapidly developing, the sphere of housing relations is also undergoing changes and needs to be modernized, but currently the Housing Code of the Ukrainian SSR of 1983 remains in force, which of course creates some difficulties in its application to the realities of today.
The largest area of housing disputes is, of course, disputes arising from real rights to housing – the right of ownership, the right to use and the right of possession.
Regarding disputes arising from the purchase and sale of housing, you can read more in the section “Construction and real estate. Property rights protection”.
Regarding disputes that arise from the right to use housing, of course, disputes about lease of premises lead in this field, and in most cases the results of resolving the dispute depends on the quality of the lease agreement, so in this case, we strongly recommend you not to use “boiler-plate” and general agreements, as they will not protect you either from sudden eviction, or from late payment, or from claims for property damage, etc. The attorneys of the Law Firm “Kravets & Partners” will develop for you an individual agreement that will protect your rights as much as possible, and it will help you determine in your personal situation, which agreement is better to conclude – lease one or loan one (loan – free use of a thing that has individually defined characteristics).
Accompanying disputes regarding housing laws are disputes about forced relocation / eviction or removal from registration of residence. In this case, it should be remembered that such requirements, as a general rule, are derived, for example, the question of eviction can be related a dispute over foreclose on the mortgage, and eviction with recognition of ownership of inherited property, etc., therefore, in these disputes, the most effective will be a complex approach to solve the main and derivative problem, in which you will always be help by the employees of the Law Firm “Kravets & partners”.
Increasingly, we also have to meet with disputes of apartment owners in the condominium, as well as disputes regarding the accrual and payment of housing and communal services. Thus, disputes with the condominium are very individual, as they depend on internal documents and decisions of the condominium itself, so in this case it is with the help from attorneys and attorney’s requests that you will be able to get access to the documents of the condominium in order to determine the most effective way to protect violated rights. As for disputes on payment and accrual of housing and communal services, there are two types of proceedings – administrative (regarding the appeal of tariffs in general) and civil/economic (regarding the payment of services by the specific person), where again, the approach must be individual both from the point of view of the actual circumstances and from the point of view of the applicable law, however in both cases, the Law Firm “Kravets & Partners” has successful experience and will help you.
What does our company offer you?
Our experienced housing lawyers have extensive judicial practice, which allows them to effectively represent interests of the clients in various instances and resolve the most complex disputes, including:
- Declaration of real estate ownership in new buildings. As a rule, in this case, many developers create obstacles to solve the problem without legal proceedings. The housing lawyer will prepare the necessary documents and send them to the court.
- Disputes about moving into residential premises.
- Conflicts related to eviction from housing, as well as termination of the right to use it.
- Disagreements arising in the course of determining the order of use of residential premises and others.
Protecting the clients, our housing lawyers will achieve:
- Declaration of property rights;
- Restoration of the situation that existed before violation of the rights;
- Changes or complete termination of civil legal relations in the field of housing legislation;
- Cancellation of any normative acts;
- Termination of violations of housing rights.